Wednesday 25 June 2014

Concept learning guessing game

This guessing game is super quick and thrifty. Its also great hands on way for teaching concepts.
Whilst I was clearing out the Frogs sock draw I remembered a great way of teaching the concepts that was shown to me by a brilliant teacher.

You just need some patterned socks (we used stars and stripes), preferably in the same colour scheme and an old box. Cut x shapes for the tips of the socks to fit through.

Then you can play. Take turn to guess if its stars or stripes (or what ever patterns you have). For children who have language disorders concepts can be difficult to learn so it is best to teach one concept at a time rather than two at once . You can talk about the concept you are teaching and 'not' the concept (e.g. stars vs not stars rather than stripes vs stars).

After guessing you pull and find out what you have.

The Frog took a while to get hang of the guessing. The Fairy loved it. You could also use this game for teaching colours.

Language Links: not/ stars/stripes
Other skills: Predicting

Monday 9 June 2014

Parenting Pin it Party

It's Monday, which means its Parenting Pin it Party time. 

Parenting Pin It Party Badge Monday Parenting Pin It Party #21

We love book themed activities and crafts. This week this post packed with activities based on the book 'Blueberries for Sal' caught my eye. 

The book is an American classic and this post has games, sacks and craft to accompany it. 

Fancy joining in?
How does it work
  • You link up you pins below
  • We'd really love if if you could follow us on Pinterest. 
  • It would be really nice if you visit a few other people who have linked up and leave a comment (it makes my day when I get blog comments - it shows someone's reading!)
We will
  • Visit your post and pin it
  • Choose our favorite post to feature next week (hosted over at Romanian Mum). If you are featured , you might want to 'grab a badge' 
The Fairy and The Frog
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Fairy and The Frog" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Fairy and The Frog" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
  • You may also like to sign up for our Parenting Pin it Party news letters (we'll only mail you with relevant stuff *promise* )

The Parenting Pin it Party is brought to you by Romanian MumKiddy ChartsMum of OneLove All BlogsA Frugal Family and All you need is love and cake .

Tuesday 3 June 2014

DIY airport role play

Dramatic (or pretend) play set ups are not only lots of fun they are great for developing imagination and language skills.

The Frog is super keen on all things transport related so recycled some cereal packets and a big cardboard box into an airport.

The Fairy and I talked about what might be at an airport and searched through our junk box to find appropriate shaped items

When the Fairy saw me writing some signs she was keen to join in - a great way to develop literacy skills in a functional way.

Then it was play time.