Monday 22 December 2014

Welcome to our Christmas edition of Parenting Pin it Party - pull up a chair and grab a mince pie and browse through some great parenting posts. This week we've choose two posts to share with you.

Christmas is a great time to make 'family traditions'. Having a 'Christmas eve box' Is something that we do - we usually included some Christmas pajamas (meaning the kids are wearing new PJ's in the Christmas morning photo) and a film to watch together. Pop over to Mum in the Mad house to see what they have included in their (and do comment below to let us know what yo put in yours).

I also love this idea for a eye spy bottle - easy to create and great for quiet play - so important for this time of year. Dabbling Momma has made a Christmas themed eye spy bottle.

Fancy joining in with the Parenting Pin It Party?
How does it work
  • You link up you pins below
  • We'd really love if if you could follow us on Pinterest. 
  • It would be really nice if you visit a few other people who have linked up and leave a comment (it makes my day when I get blog comments - it shows someone's reading!)
We will
  • Visit your post and pin it
  • Choose our favorite post to feature next week (hosted over at Romanian Mum). If you are featured , you might want to 'grab a badge' 

The Fairy and The Frog

Thursday 4 December 2014

Child made snow flake decorations

Making Christmas decorations with children is a great way to get in the festive spirit and make memories.

Reading the poem 'Snow'by Walter del la Mare with it's beautifully chilly words inspired us to make some easy paper snow flakes. If you would like to check out the book you can find it by clicking on the affiliate link in the picture

Making the snow flakes is super simple.

First cut a circle (I helped the Fairy and the Frog by doing this step). We found tissue paper worked best.

Next fold your paper in half 4 times.Again I did this step (as its important to be exact to get a good result)

Then get cutting. The Fairy wanted to do more delicate designs so we drew a design for her to cut out.The Frog just liked cutting! It gave lots of learning opportunities to talk about symmetry and predict what the snowflake might look. 

You could hang the flake from a tree or stick them on the window to make it look like it's snowing outside.

This post is part of a series of 10 days of child made ornaments which features 70 + book inspired Christmas decorations, find out more by clicking here.