Tuesday 4 September 2012

Dear Zoo Touch and Feel Book review

Regular readers of my blog will know we were lucky enough to join in birthday celebration for the book Dear Zoo last week. As party of the goody bag we were given we received a copy of the brand new book Touch and Feel version of the classic.

Both 'The Frog' and 'The Fairy' have enjoyed getting to grips with it (this was especially appreciated by me on our our train journey home, when they were fed up with the entertainment I'd brought with us).

On Friday I took the book on a visit to some friends. Both the preschoolers and the babies present enjoyed interacting with the book.

I loved the frog's sticky feet and 'The Fairy' and her friends loved the lion who tried to bite their finger.

When asked 'Would you read it again?' the preschoolers replied a resounding 'Yes!'

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