Wednesday 25 July 2012

How to make a handprint birthday card

There's nothing better at receiving a hand made card. After having lots of fun with our hand print dragon we thought we'd have ago with another, this time making cards (NB as we are not very organised this card was meant for a birthday in April, when we first started making it but as you can see by today's date we didn't get round to finishing it - fortunately we have very patient family and friends who don't mind *very* late cards).

First of all we painted The Fairy's hand to look like a cake and candles (missing out the thumb to make it easier to print).

We then printed the hand and added separate yellow finger prints for flames.

When the picture was dry (well 3 months later !) I mounted it and made it into a finished card


  1. Soooo cute! Love the "candles" ;-)

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  2. I have just found your blog over the last few wks through KBN and love it. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. If you would like to read about it and accept please read my post.
    Love this homemade card, I think those are worth waiting for:-) Jaime @ frogs and snails and puppy dog tails

  3. Very very cute! I love hand print cards and pictures because they preserve the size of rapidly growing little hands forever! I am going to use this design immediately because my twin grandsons will be four at the end of August...perfect! This will be a gift for their mommy and daddy on that occasion! THANK YOU!

    1. Indeed they grow so quickly its important to keep memories like this (Im sure they'll love to look at them one day when they're big too!)

  4. This is such wonderful! I love the idea of making this to send to a relative for their birthday!

  5. what a sweet idea for a card.

  6. I am stopping by to pin this post!

  7. I love all the finger print type of crafts. I haven't seen this one, so fun.

  8. That is such a cute idea. I love the tips of the fingers being yellow for the flame.

  9. Oh that's a brilliant idea. It looks so great!

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.

  10. ooooh lovely! I keep meaning to try multicoloured handprints!

  11. oooh fab idea, and they came out so well. Thanks for linking to Science Sparks xx


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